Results for 'Agustina Varela-Mano Grasso'

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  1.  13
    Echoes of Violence Arendt's Genealogy of Violence as Desingularization.Agustina Varela-Mano Grasso - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (179):205-229.
    RESUMEN Este artículo reconstruye la genealogia arendtiana de las formas extremas de la violencia, tomando como hilo conductor los procesos de desingularización con un doble propósito: por un lado, analizar las (dis)continuidades históricas de dicha genealogia que trasciende la dimensión fisico-instrumental de la violencia y entra conexión con la (des)configuración de la identidad personal; por otro lado, reivindicar la vigencia de la obra de Hannah Arendt para explorar los ecos presentes de esa violencia, sin perder de vista su especificad actual. (...)
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    CAYUELA SÁNCHEZ, Salvador: Por la grandeza de la patria. La biopolítica en la España de Franco, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2014.Agustina Belén Varela Manograsso - 2016 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 68:166.
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    Entre identidades, violencias y resistencias. La frontera como espacio intersticial.Agustina Belén Varela Manograsso - 2022 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 87:137-154.
    En las últimas décadas se han multiplicado las fronteras físicas y simbólicas. Los Estados han militarizado sus fronteras territoriales convirtiendo a la cuestión migratoria no sólo en una amenaza para la soberanía nacional, sino también para la identidad colectiva e individual de sus habitantes. El avance de las identidades nacionales en nuestra sociedad global plural y cada vez más interdependiente está generando distintos tipos de violencias que confluyen en las fronteras, desencadenando la desaparición física y simbólica de los cuerpos migrantes (...)
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    Los ecos de la violencia. La genealogía arendtiana de violencia como desingularización.Agustina Varela Manograsso - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (179):205-229.
    Este artículo reconstruye la genealogía arendtiana de las formas extremas de la violencia, tomando como hilo conductor los procesos de desingularización con un doble propósito: por un lado, analizar las (dis)continuidades históricas de dicha genealogía que trasciende la dimensión físico-instrumental de la violencia y entra conexión con la (des)configuración de la identidad personal; por otro lado, reivindicar la vigencia de la obra de Hannah Arendt para explorar los ecos presentes de esa violencia, sin perder de vista su especificad actual.
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    (Ex)poniendo el cuerpo: espacios, transiciones y resistencias.Hernando Carlos Gómez Prada, Agustina Varela-Manograsso & Marcos Alonso Bote Díaz - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (1).
    Transition experienced by trans people shakes Social Sciences conven-tional understanding of time and space as static analytical units based on tradi-tional biological and physical axioms. Overcoming sexual binarism entails also questioning time and space as isolated elements to become, instead, entangled realities. Departing from trans studies and Halberstam´s concepts of queer temporalities and space as theoretical framework, this papers lines up the indi-vidual story of a trans man with physical disability and ASD with social “trans-formations”, by linking the exposition of (...)
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  6. On agency and body-ownership: Phenomenological and neurocognitive reflections.Manos Tsakiris, Simone Schütz-Bosbach & Shaun Gallagher - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):645-660.
    The recent distinction between sense of agency and sense of body-ownership has attracted considerable empirical and theoretical interest. The respective contributions of central motor signals and peripheral afferent signals to these two varieties of body experience remain unknown. In the present review, we consider the methodological problems encountered in the empirical study of agency and body-ownership, and we then present a series of experiments that study the interplay between motor and sensory information. In particular, we focus on how multisensory signals (...)
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    Disembodied friendship: virtual friends and the tendencies of technologically mediated friendship.Daniel Grasso - 2025 - Ethics and Information Technology 27 (1):1-11.
    This paper engages the ongoing debate around the possibility of virtue friendships in the Aristotelian sense through online mediation. However, I argue that since the current literature has remained overly focused on the mere possibility of virtual friendship, it has obscured the more common phenomena of using digital communication to sustain previous in-person friendships which are now at a distance. While I agree with those who argue that entirely virtual friendship is possible, I argue that the current rebuttals to the (...)
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    Homenaje a Félix Varela.Félix Varela (ed.) - 1979 - Miami, Fla.: Ediciones Universal.
  9. The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience.Francisco J. Varela, Evan Thompson & Eleanor Rosch - 1991 - MIT Press.
    The Embodied Mind provides a unique, sophisticated treatment of the spontaneous and reflective dimension of human experience.
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    Conversación entre Pablo Posada Varela y Marc Richir.Pablo Posada Varela, Marc Richir & Aurélien Alavi - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 119:209-223.
    Esta conversación tuvo lugar durante una visita de varios días de Pablo Posada Varela a la casa de Marc Richir en Haut-Vaucluse en junio de 2012. He aquí tres extractos (de extensión variable) de una conversación del 8 de junio, y algunos otros fechados el 10 de junio.
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  11. Causal reductionism and causal structures.Matteo Grasso, Larissa Albantakis, Jonathan Lang & Giulio Tononi - 2021 - Nature Neuroscience 24:1348–1355.
    Causal reductionism is the widespread assumption that there is no room for additional causes once we have accounted for all elementary mechanisms within a system. Due to its intuitive appeal, causal reductionism is prevalent in neuroscience: once all neurons have been caused to fire or not to fire, it seems that causally there is nothing left to be accounted for. Here, we argue that these reductionist intuitions are based on an implicit, unexamined notion of causation that conflates causation with prediction. (...)
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  12. La presencia de la Sabiduría: El Reino de Dios está viniendo.Agustina Serrano Pérez - 2006 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 1 (15):370.
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  13. Having a body versus moving your body: How agency structures body-ownership.Manos Tsakiris, Gita Prabhu & Patrick Haggard - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):423-432.
    We investigated how motor agency in the voluntary control of body movement influences body awareness. In the Rubber Hand Illusion , synchronous tactile stimulation of a rubber hand and the participant’s hand leads to a feeling of the rubber hand being incorporated in the participant’s own body. One quantifiable behavioural correlate of the illusion is an induced shift in the perceived location of the participant’s hand towards the rubber hand. Previous studies showed that the induced changes in body awareness are (...)
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  14.  45
    Impure Procedural Justice in Climate Governance Systems.Marco Grasso & Simona Sacchi - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (6):777-798.
    Climate change governance is extremely challenging because of both the intrinsic difficulty of the issues at stake and the plurality of values and world-views. For these reasons, the ethical concerns that characterise climate change should also be meaningfully addressed through a specific version of procedural justice. Accordingly, in this article we adopt an impure notion of procedural justice. On this theoretical basis, we define relevant fairness criteria and contextualise them for climate governance systems. Then, we empirically justify fairness criteria against (...)
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  15.  43
    Science for Humanism: The Recovery of Human Agency.Charles Varela - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    In the 18th century, the pre-modern Judeo-Greco-Christian problem of freedom and determinism is transformed by Kant into the modern problem of the freedom of human agency in the natural and cultural worlds of deterministic structures; it is this version of the freedom and determinism issue which centres the Science and Humanism debates, and thus marks the history of the social sciences. Anthony Giddens is credited with providing the new vocabulary of ‘structure’ and ‘agency’ in order to formulate the problem of (...)
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    Después del apocalipsis, de Srećko Horvat.Agustina Giuggia - 2025 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 57 (158):296-299.
    En este libro, el filósofo y activista croata Srećko Horvat (1983), autor de obras como La radicalidad del amor (2015) y Poesía del futuro (2019), se propone abordar la noción de apocalipsis, pero no como la idea de un final, sino como una “revelación” de la inevitabilidad del fin del mundo. Ahora bien, ¿qué hace de éste un momento especial para abordar dicha temática? Para Horvat, a lo largo de la historia, los fines de mundos han ocurrido continua y simultáneamente; (...)
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    Ajustando la teoría de la conciencia en Leibniz.Agustina María Lombardi - 2023 - Pensamiento 79 (302):161-180.
    El presente artículo se centra en el esclarecimiento de las nociones de percepciones inconscientes («petites perceptions»), percepciones y apercepciones en la teoría de la conciencia en Leibniz con el fin de responder dos preguntas: 1) Ad intra, es decir, intra-sustancialmente: ¿Cómo un evento inconsciente se vuelve consciente dentro de una misma sustancia simple?; 2) Ad extra, es decir, inter-sustancialmente: ¿dónde puede decirse que surge la conciencia en la jerarquía de mónadas? Para responder estas preguntas, seguiré la siguiente metodología. En primer (...)
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  18. Ensayos de filosofía y metodología de las ciencias económicas.Agustina Borella (ed.) - 2008 - Buenos Aires:
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    Introducción histórica a la Escuela Austriaca de Economía.Agustina Borella (ed.) - 2022 - Madrid, España:
    La Escuela Austríaca de Economía no se compone de una serie de conceptos estáticos desarrollados en un eterno presente fuera de lo humano. Al contrario, es y ha sido un conjunto de teorías evolutivamente articuladas a lo largo de la vida y obra de sus muchos y diversos autores. Esa es la perspectiva que desarrolla en profundidad este libro.
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  20. La "Nueva Mainstream Más Pluralista": entre la ortodoxia y la heterodoxia.Agustina Borella - 2015 - XVI Congreso Nacional de Filosofía (AFRA).
    El presente trabajo intenta mostrar a la “Nueva Mainstream Más Pluralista” como un camino para abrir al diálogo entre la heterodoxia, que rechaza el insistente uso de modelos formales mainstream para acceder al mundo social complejo, y la ortodoxia que defiende el uso de tales modelos para conocer el mundo social. Como representante de los defensores de los modelos formales mainstream nos referiremos a la epistemología de Uskali Mäki y como crítico de tales modelos a la propuesta de Tony Lawson. (...)
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  21. Arturo Andrés Roig : una reelaboración del a priori antropológico desde la hermenéutica gadameriana.Agustina Cazenave - 2016 - In Lértora Mendoza & Celina Ana, Hermenéutica para la historia de la filosofía argentina. Buenos Aires: Ediciones F.E.P.A.I..
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    In the days of the “toad test”: justice and abortion in mid-twentieth-century ArgentinaAu temps du Test du crapaud. Justice et avortement.Agustina Cepeda - 2015 - Clio 39.
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  23. Política y deuda externa en Argentina a inicios del siglo XX.Agustina Vence Conti - 2008 - In Mario Daniel Serrafero, Pasado y futuro: una complejidad en clave política. [Argentina]: Sociedad Científica Argentina.
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    Los tres grados de compromiso modal de Quine Y el no-cognitivismo modal.José Edgar González-Varela - 2010 - Signos Filosóficos 12 (24):103-133.
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    De Anima II.12.R. Grasso - 2013 - Philosophical Inquiry 37 (1-2):23-44.
    A blatant contradiction seems to characterize the first part of DA II 12: 424a24-25 entails that possession of the power to ‘receive forms without the matter’ is sufficient for being a sense organ, while the ‘wax simile’ supposedly preceding it (424a19-23) attributes the same power to both senses and wax blocks. To solve the contradiction, I contend that Aristotle does not in fact endorse the described ‘wax simile’. He offers, instead, a ‘signature simile’ between the forms received by senses and (...)
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    Just Instruments for Adaptation Finance.Marco Grasso - 2018 - Analyse & Kritik 40 (2):405-412.
    The paper discusses Baatz’s work (2018) published in a recent issue of this journal. It first considers the proposed framework of justice within which to evaluate instruments for adaptation finance; it then develops the framework’s criteria of fairness and feasibility further; finally, it proposes an option for increasing the capacity of Baatz’s framework to ensure that instruments for adaptation finance operate in a just way.
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    John Paul II on Modernity, Freedom, and the Metaphysics of the Person.Kenneth L. Grasso - 2010 - Catholic Social Science Review 15:15-34.
    Beginning by praising Carson Holloway’s The Way of Life: John Paul II and the Challenge of Liberal Modernity for both contributing to our understanding of John Paul’s posture toward modernity and bringing his thought into conversation with the thought of some of the intellectual architects of liberal modernity, my essayproceeds to identify several subjects I wish Holloway had explored further, including the positive aspects of John Paul’s appraisal of liberal modernity and the engagement with modern thought that looms so large (...)
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  28.  9
    Theology and public philosophy: four conversations.Kenneth L. Grasso & Cecilia Rodriguez Castillo (eds.) - 2012 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This volume brings together eminent theologians, philosophers and political theorists to discuss such questions as how religious understandings have shaped the moral landscape of contemporary culture; the possible contributions of theology and theologically informed moral argument to contemporary public life; the problem of religious and moral discourse in a pluralistic society; and the proper relationship between religion and culture.
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  29.  11
    The Freedom of the Church and the Taming of Leviathan: The Christian Revolution, Dignitatis Humanae, and Western Liberty.Kenneth L. Grasso - 2012 - Catholic Social Science Review 17:221-240.
    This essay explores the impact of the ancient principle of the freedom of the Church—identified by the Second Vatican Council as “the fundamental principle” governing “the relations between the Church and governments and the whole civil order”—on both Western civilization and the development of modern Catholic social thought. Arguing that this principle requires the articulation and institutionalization of a new understanding of society and government, it contends this principle revolutionized the structure of Western political life and helped lay the groundwork (...)
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    Back to a trinitarian ontology. Person and Trinity in Edith Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being.Agustina María Lombardi - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43:89-106.
    Resumen Según el diagnóstico sobre la academia contemporánea del pensador italiano Piero Coda, la teología, disciplina escindida de la filósofa desde la modernidad, se ha reducido a una mera apologética de la fe. En este marco, la Trinidad se vacía de contenido ontológico, dejando de ser principio de interpretación de la realidad. En el presente artículo analizaré las consecuencias antropológicas que posee el hecho de que la creación, específicamente del hombre, sea imago Trinitatis en el pensamiento de Edith Stein. En (...)
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    Utopía de la soberanía popular: la convocatoria de una Asamblea Constituyente.Agustina Yadira Martínez & Ana Irene Méndez - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (34):91-104.
    The objective of this paper is to make evident the political impact of popular sovereignty in the search for a new social structure, in virtue of the crisis that the representative system of party hegemony manifested, in order to point out in the first place the need of the Venezuelan people to ..
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    Musulmanes de Padua: sobre las nuevas identidades islámicas italianas.Agustina Adela Zaros - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (38):706-732.
    The proposed text reflects on the Muslim community and families in Padua including interviews in order to individuate the practices of the transmission of beliefs within the family and the continuity of the group. Mainly from the development of three main points: religious socialization, community representation as umma, according to the mandate of Give to Islam as well of the dichotomy we Muslims / they Christians discourses. Finally, the meanings of identities governed by ethnicity and / or religion and new (...)
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  33. Redes interpersonales, sociorreligiosas y comunitarias.Agustina Zaros - 2022 - In Pablo F. Forni & Alejandro Bialakowsky, Por unas ciencias sociales relacionales: investigaciones y enfoques contemporáneos. [Buenos Aires]: USAL, Universidad del Salvador.
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    Dan Zahavi and John Searle on Consciousness and Non-Reductive Materialism.Agustina Lombardi - 2017 - Scientia et Fides 5 (2):155-170.
    In his 1994 paper, neuroscientist Benjamin Libet affirmed that he found a way to test the interaction between the mind and the brain. He believed that this procedure would also test the reality of a non-physical mind, emerging from neural activity. In 2000 John Searle objected to Libet’s evident dualism, affirming that the mind is not a hypothesis to test but a datum to be explained. According to Searle, Libet’s problem arose from accepting the Cartesian distinction of ‘mind’ and ‘body’, (...)
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  35. Introduction: Mental Powers.Matteo Grasso & Anna Marmodoro - 2020 - Topoi 39 (5):1017-1020.
    The metaphysics of powers (Shoemaker, 1980; Mumford, 2004; Marmodoro, 2009; Heil, 2012 among many others) is a promising conceptual framework that has been successfully put to use in many philosophical and scientific domains, but surprisingly its potential applications in the contemporary philosophy of mind are still under-investigated. This thematic issue aims to show that power ontology has implications concerning major questions in the contemporary philosophy of mind, such as: what is the metaphysical relationship between consciousness and the physical? Are phenomenal (...)
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    Visual P2p component responds to perceived numerosity.Paolo A. Grasso, Irene Petrizzo, Camilla Caponi, Giovanni Anobile & Roberto Arrighi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1014703.
    Numerosity perception is a key ability for human and non-human species, probably mediated by dedicated brain mechanisms. Electrophysiological studies revealed the existence of both early and mid-latency components of the Electrophysiological (EEG) signal sensitive to numerosity changes. However, it is still unknown whether these components respond to physical or perceived variation in numerical attributes. We here tackled this point by recording electrophysiological signal while participants performed a numerosity adaptation task, a robust psychophysical method yielding changes in perceived numerosity judgments despite (...)
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  37.  76
    A Moral Analysis of Carbon Majors’ Role in Climate Change.Marco Grasso & Katia Vladimirova - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (2):175-195.
    Two-thirds of global industrial greenhouse gas emissions over the past two centuries can be traced to the activities of a handful of companies (‘carbon majors'). Based on their direct contribution to climate change in terms of carbon emissions and on a number of morally relevant facts, this article proposes a normative framework to establish the responsibilities that carbon majors have in relation to climate change. Then, the analysis articulates these responsibilities in the form of two duties: a duty of decarbonisation (...)
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  38.  25
    Editorial: Pensar, decir, transformar el presente.Agustina Andrada - 2023 - Revista Ethika+ 8:9-14.
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    El discernimiento de espíritus en las periferias cristianas: gozo, pactos y poderosos entre aborígenes evangélicos del Chaco Argentino.Agustina Altman - 2015 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 20:11-35.
    El discernimiento de espíritus ha sido a lo largo de la historia del cristianismo un mecanismo fundamental para el control del acceso al carisma. Su desarrollo ha estado profundamente ligado a los cambios en la estructura social de las iglesias. Por ello buscamos aportar nuevas miradas sobre este dispositivo, analizándolo en el contexto de las periferias cristianas. Específicamente centraremos nuestro análisis en las iglesias evangélicas aborígenes mocoví del suroeste de la provincia del Chaco en Argentina. Nos aproximaremos a estas cuestiones (...)
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    Las incidencias del poder sobre la vida en el dispositivo biopolítico de Michel Foucault.Agustina Alejandra Andrada - 2019 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 10 (2):149-178.
    En este trabajo se explora la primera parte de la formula foucaulteana para describir a la biopolítica, esto es, el “hacer vivir” biopolítico. Mediante estos análisis se busca entender el modo en que el poder se vincula con la vida de la población, cuáles son sus estrategias, sus mecanismos y sus efectos. Para ello se detiene, en primer lugar, en comprender el concepto de vida que atañe al biopoder, sirviéndose de los análisis de Foucault respecto a la biología. Luego, en (...)
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    La pandemia desde una perspectiva biopolítica.Agustina Alejandra Andrada - 2020 - Revista Ethika+ 2:151-165.
    Este artículo se propone analizar la actualidad de los abordajes foucaulteanos sobre el saber médico para explicar los sucesos acontecidos a raíz de la pandemia del covid-19. Para ello nos centraremos en su definición de la medicina como práctica biopolítica, analizando en qué medida esta continúa siendo una técnica política de intervención con efectos de poder sobre la vida y sobre la muerte de la población. Al mismo tiempo, intentaremos pensar el marco de racionalidad política en el que se inscribe (...)
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  42. Arturo A. Roig.Agustina Cazenave - 2019 - In Lértora Mendoza, Celina Ana & María Victoria Santarsola, Filosofía argentina reciente: nuevos enfoques historiográficos. Buenos Aires: Ediciones F.E.P.A.I..
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    In the age of the “toad test”: justice and abortion in Argentina in mid-twentieth century.Agustina Cepeda - 2014 - Clio 39:239-254.
    En 1954, la Cour d’appel de Buenos Aires acquitte Elena Teotina Haedo de Gaitán et la sage-femme Catalina Fuccia du délit d’avortement en invoquant la figure juridique de la « tentative d’avortement impossible », la grossesse étant scientifiquement et médicalement impossible à vérifier. Cet article examine l’application de la législation anti-avortement dans l’Argentine du milieu du xxe siècle, une Argentine considérée par l’historiographie comme pronataliste. L’analyse des processus judiciaires à l’œuvre permet également d’examiner les formes de tutelle sur le corps (...)
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    Archeologia del concetto di politico in Carl Schmitt.Fabrizio Grasso - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
  45. Incarnations of the intangible. Ideality and scripture between memory and design.Davide Grasso - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50.
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    L’ousia dans le Théétète et le Sophiste.Elsa Grasso - 2020 - Chôra 18:41-71.
    The Theatetus and the Sophist present in succession two “battles” regarding ousia. In so doing, ousia is placed at the heart of what is essential to both dialogues : in fact, ousia interconnects with the conditions of possibility, both physical and metaphysical, of logos and epistèmè.However, each dialogue brings differing conceptions of discourse and science into play, and both articulate a different train of thought regarding being. Ousia appears differently in the two dialogues and it is not the same thing (...)
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    The Verdict on the Founding.Kenneth L. Grasso - 2021 - Catholic Social Science Review 26:23-38.
    Robert R. Reilly’s America on Trial: A Defense of the Founding argues that the intellectual roots of the founders’ political theory are found in the Christian understanding of man, society and the world, and in the tradition of natural law thinking that emerged under its aegis. The American founding, he concludes, must be understood as an attempted “re-establishment” of “the principles and practices” of medieval constitutionalism. While finding the broad outlines of Reilly’s argument persuasive, the author worries that Reilly does (...)
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    Brazil and the Cape Verde Islands: Some Aspects of Cultural Influence.João Manuel Varela - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (191):91-108.
    Pedro Alvares Cabral's ships left Portugal on 9 March 1500 en route for the territory that he first named Terra de Vera Cruz and that later came to be known as Brazil. On the 22 March they called at the island of São Nicolau [Caminha, 1500], one of the northernmost islands of the Cape Verde group; this was about forty years after the discovery of the archipelago in 1460-62 [Albuquerque, 1991]. It is known that Vasco da Gama had stopped at (...)
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    God Vs. Darwin: The War Between Evolution and Creationism in the Classroom.Mano Singham & Charles J. Russo - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book deftly answers complex questions: Why is there such intense antagonism to the teaching of evolution in the United States? What have the courts said about the various attempts to oppose it? Sprinkled with interesting tidbits about Charles Darwin and the major players of the evolution vs. creationism debate, God vs. Darwin is charming in its embrace of the strong passions aroused from the topic of teaching evolution in schools.
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  50. Detectives, Fugitives and Witnesses. Figurations of the Self in Editorial Photographic Devices Working from the Archive.Agustina Triquell - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:199-226.
    El presente artículo indaga una serie de dispositivos editoriales fotográficos contemporáneos construidos con materiales visuales de archivo a partir de tres figuraciones (Haraway, 2017 y 2019) que definen modulaciones subjetivas específicas, estrategias con las que configuran una determinada matriz narrativa (Despret, 2021): la detective, la prófuga y la testigo serán presentadas aquí a través del respectivo análisis de Los órdenes del amor, de Lucila Penedo (2022), Querida Natacha, de Natacha Ebers (2020), y Nuestros códigos, del Archivo de la Memoria Trans (...)
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